Friday 11 November 2011

Wikipedia stub entry

I have never been edited any information for Wikipedia before today. I always use Wikipedia for a quick search of some definitions. I never think that I could be the person who edit the article to provide useful information for other people. This assignment gives me another good opportunity to try and learn a new thing again! In this assignment, we are required to choose a stub or incomplete article from Wikipedia and update it to a complete encyclopedic article. After I registered a new account of Wikipedia, I started to search any stub related to textile and clothing directly because I thought it would be easier to edit the familiar academic field for a stub. Therefore, I choose Textile Design as my stub. 

While I was editing my Wikipedia stub, the only difficulties were editing citation and some of the wiki codes. I took most of the time to do my citation. Before I did the citation for the incomplete article, I had to figure out the wiki codes for editing references. I felt dizzy to look at the html code in the process of my assignment. However, I still had lots of fun in this assignment.

Also, please click Textile design to check my works for this assignment.I also want to share some wiki codes that I had learn from this assignment with everyone.
For example:
1) [[Textile]] : If you insert two sets of brackets and click on the word between the brackets, it will give you a new browser to show more informations about the word that you clicked.

2) <ref name"_" /> : put the reference name between the quotation marks in order to re-cite the citation in  your text again.

3) : In order to do point form, you should add a * before your text, then you will get a dot to help you to list your information.

You may also want to know more interesting Wikipedia entries, so here is one of my classmate's Wikipedia entry about Amylophagia. Please click here to see her entry! 
You are always welcome to leave any comments for me and my classmate to let us know about your thought!

Sunday 6 November 2011