Thursday 29 September 2011

Picture Time!

This is a street snapshot form TopShop! 
TopShop is one of my favorite brands, it was introduced by my best friend! I highly recommend you to check out the website of TopShop because they have lots of great design for clothing.  

I always love to view the street snapshot. I think street snapshot is a good way to know more about people's own style.  You can see the way how people develop their own style by mixing and matching the garments and accessories. 

Sunday 25 September 2011

Professional Facebook Page

Hi everyone, 

Facebook is a really good social media to communicate with others all around the world. People can use Facebook to communicate with their friends or entertain themselves by playing any games from Facebook. However, I found another good purpose to use Facebook in a professional way. What is it? It is a Facebook Page! I saw many people create a Facebook page for their business purpose or self promotion. Therefore, I create a Facebook page to promote myself for my future career by using it as an online resume. Also, I would like to use my Facebook page to share any information and ideas related to fashion with the people around the world. 

Regular resume and Facebook page are the methods to tell your background to others. However, there is something different that i found from Facebook page. People can insert any photos to tell others more about them or the photos of their works on the Facebook Page. It is just like an online portfolio. In addition, you can put all of your personal interest, hobbies and goals. You may also want to put some favorite websites on your Facebbok page as a reference. Facebook page must be a professional way to express yourself for your career.

Here is the photo of my Facebook page and please click My Facebook Page to go to my Facebook page.

When I am creating this Facebook page for my ALES204 class, I feel curious about what my classmates think of Facebook page. Xiaoming mentions a good point about Facebook page or Profile. She reveals that people can create a  Facebook page or profile to keep her personal file in private. People can create a Facebook page or profile for professional use. Also, people can sign up another Facebook account to communicate and share all of your foolish photos with your friends.
Please click Xiaoming's Blog to know more about her thought.

Friday 16 September 2011

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone! My name is Katy, I come from Hong Kong. This is my sixth years to study in Canada. I am the only child in my family. The hardest thing to be an international student is always missing my mother and the place where I come from. When I studied in Hong Kong, I feel fair of public speaking but in canada I am really afraid and worried of public speaking because english is my second language. It is really hard to speak in front of everyone with confidence. I am a third years student in University of Alberta so this is my second last year to being a university student. I am looking forward to my graduation. I am majoring in Textile and Clothing and my minor is Fashion Merchandising. I really love everything related to Fashion and clothing.

In the fashion industries, there are many jobs which need a good communication skills with others such as fashion designers, fashion buyers and fashion editors. As I study in my program, I always need to communicate with others by face to face or social media. We have a lots of presentation in class to introduce our designs. Also, I had a design project which was using a blog to convey my design works to people. Social media really plays an important role in nowadays, people can check the latest news from E-mail, Facebook and Twitter. These kind of social medias are essentials for us. They become part of our life!