Saturday 3 December 2011

Social Media

Hi everyone!

I am taking a course named "Ales204"at University of Alberta, and it is about communication theory and practice. I have been introduced a lots of social media in this course. What is social media? If you use a quick check on wikipedia, the definition of social media would be "the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue." In my opinion, I believe that social media is an essential part in our daily life. We can use social media for entertainment, academic and work. 

What kind of social media do you use? In other words, what kind of "internet properties" that you own?
I own Facebook, Twitter, e-mail account, Blogs, Flickr, and Linkedin. I use Facebook for entertainment, and I use it as my electronic resume. Twitter, Blogs and Flickr are created for my academic works and personal journal and portfolio. I am addicted to use these kind of social media to express my ideas and thoughts. I think that social media is a best way to make up your own portfolio to tell other people about you. People can know more about you through the decoration of your blog and also the contents of your blog. In addition, social media allows users to know more people who have the same interest with them in the different countries. This is also the interesting part for using social media.


In today's generation, people are getting easier to get in touch with social media because most of the people are using smart phone. For example, there are lot of applications on Iphone that people can download such as Skype, Twitter And Facebook. They are the common applications as social media. I would like to introduce you an application called "Instagram" on the smart phone. It is a application for photo taking, editing and sharing. I think it is a really useful and interesting application to express your feeling by taking pictures and share it to the public. Other users can also leave a comment for you photo. It is a great idea to share your life experience and exchange your thought to the others! Actually, I know that there are lot of people knew about this application already but I still wanna introduce this application to the rest of the people who does not use this application. Please have a look of the official website of Instagram to know more about it! Moreover, I found out that Julianna Damer who also uses Instagram to share her photos and the way how she uses social media to express herself!
Please join Instagram !

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