Tuesday 6 December 2011

Learned more from my classmates' blogs

Hi everyone,

We are required to leave at least five comments on our classmates' blogs.
Therefore, Here are the links to my comments:

First comment - Madeleine 

Second comment - Stephanie Shannon

Third comment - J.L

Fourth comment - Kelsey MacDonald

Fifth comment - Ashlea Chykerda

I have learned a lot form these students' blog! If you have time, please also check out their blogs!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Time files and Ales204 comes to the end

Ales 204 is a course that covers the principles of professional communication including written, oral, and electronic components. Dr. Jessica Laccetti really encourages her students to use and learn social media in a professional way. I have never had a professor that encourage me to bring a laptop or cell phone and use it in the class and I am loving it!

In this course, I have been learned a lots of social media tools. For example:
1) Set up our own blog for e-portfolio
2) create a professional Facebook page as resume
3) use twitter for science communication
4) upload image by using flick
5) edit wikipedia to share our knowledge to others.
6) send a formal e-mail
7) typing on google docs

Other than the above social media tools, I also learn about public speaking, the skills of presentation, building a cover letter, the skills of writing and reading a journal articles, image citation and copyright, podcasting and interviewing and open peer review.
Social media tools become popular all over the world and they are part of our daily life which we can not lose. Why the rate of using social media tools is increasing? It is because people enjoy using the advanced technology. In addition, social media tools provide more opportunity for people to communicate and share their thought to the others.

For me, the most impressive lecture in this course is learning about the image citation and copyright by using the Create Common License. Before this course, copyright and citation of the image were the problems that I searched for solution. Since I am majoring in textile and clothing, I have a lots of project and design works. I always want to upload my works to the internet and I am really looking for something like Create Common License to protect the copyright of my works. I was so excited when Dr. Jessica Lacceti said that she is given out a lecture that related to image citation.

In nowadays and the future, social media would become a common but important way for people to communicate, express, and entertain themselves. If you want to know more about social media and how social media can be used in a professional way, please check out the blog of our Ales204 class. I already saves all of the power points for personal use so I highly recommend you to look through all of the power points that show on the blog. Here is the link to Stephanie Shannon's blog. She is one of my classmates in this class and her blog may also gives you more information about this course and social media.  Although class Ales204 comes to the end, but I will never forget the knowledge that I learned in this course and I will apply these knowledge into a professional way to help my future academy and career.

Thank you for Jessica Lacceti and all the teacher assistants! I learned a lots from all of you and I really enjoy this class!

Saturday 3 December 2011

Social Media

Hi everyone!

I am taking a course named "Ales204"at University of Alberta, and it is about communication theory and practice. I have been introduced a lots of social media in this course. What is social media? If you use a quick check on wikipedia, the definition of social media would be "the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue." In my opinion, I believe that social media is an essential part in our daily life. We can use social media for entertainment, academic and work. 

What kind of social media do you use? In other words, what kind of "internet properties" that you own?
I own Facebook, Twitter, e-mail account, Blogs, Flickr, and Linkedin. I use Facebook for entertainment, and I use it as my electronic resume. Twitter, Blogs and Flickr are created for my academic works and personal journal and portfolio. I am addicted to use these kind of social media to express my ideas and thoughts. I think that social media is a best way to make up your own portfolio to tell other people about you. People can know more about you through the decoration of your blog and also the contents of your blog. In addition, social media allows users to know more people who have the same interest with them in the different countries. This is also the interesting part for using social media.


In today's generation, people are getting easier to get in touch with social media because most of the people are using smart phone. For example, there are lot of applications on Iphone that people can download such as Skype, Twitter And Facebook. They are the common applications as social media. I would like to introduce you an application called "Instagram" on the smart phone. It is a application for photo taking, editing and sharing. I think it is a really useful and interesting application to express your feeling by taking pictures and share it to the public. Other users can also leave a comment for you photo. It is a great idea to share your life experience and exchange your thought to the others! Actually, I know that there are lot of people knew about this application already but I still wanna introduce this application to the rest of the people who does not use this application. Please have a look of the official website of Instagram to know more about it! Moreover, I found out that Julianna Damer who also uses Instagram to share her photos and the way how she uses social media to express herself!
Please join Instagram !

Friday 11 November 2011

Wikipedia stub entry

I have never been edited any information for Wikipedia before today. I always use Wikipedia for a quick search of some definitions. I never think that I could be the person who edit the article to provide useful information for other people. This assignment gives me another good opportunity to try and learn a new thing again! In this assignment, we are required to choose a stub or incomplete article from Wikipedia and update it to a complete encyclopedic article. After I registered a new account of Wikipedia, I started to search any stub related to textile and clothing directly because I thought it would be easier to edit the familiar academic field for a stub. Therefore, I choose Textile Design as my stub. 

While I was editing my Wikipedia stub, the only difficulties were editing citation and some of the wiki codes. I took most of the time to do my citation. Before I did the citation for the incomplete article, I had to figure out the wiki codes for editing references. I felt dizzy to look at the html code in the process of my assignment. However, I still had lots of fun in this assignment.

Also, please click Textile design to check my works for this assignment.I also want to share some wiki codes that I had learn from this assignment with everyone.
For example:
1) [[Textile]] : If you insert two sets of brackets and click on the word between the brackets, it will give you a new browser to show more informations about the word that you clicked.

2) <ref name"_" /> : put the reference name between the quotation marks in order to re-cite the citation in  your text again.

3) : In order to do point form, you should add a * before your text, then you will get a dot to help you to list your information.

You may also want to know more interesting Wikipedia entries, so here is one of my classmate's Wikipedia entry about Amylophagia. Please click here to see her entry! 
You are always welcome to leave any comments for me and my classmate to let us know about your thought!

Sunday 6 November 2011

Thursday 29 September 2011

Picture Time!

This is a street snapshot form TopShop! 
TopShop is one of my favorite brands, it was introduced by my best friend! I highly recommend you to check out the website of TopShop because they have lots of great design for clothing.  

I always love to view the street snapshot. I think street snapshot is a good way to know more about people's own style.  You can see the way how people develop their own style by mixing and matching the garments and accessories. 

Sunday 25 September 2011

Professional Facebook Page

Hi everyone, 

Facebook is a really good social media to communicate with others all around the world. People can use Facebook to communicate with their friends or entertain themselves by playing any games from Facebook. However, I found another good purpose to use Facebook in a professional way. What is it? It is a Facebook Page! I saw many people create a Facebook page for their business purpose or self promotion. Therefore, I create a Facebook page to promote myself for my future career by using it as an online resume. Also, I would like to use my Facebook page to share any information and ideas related to fashion with the people around the world. 

Regular resume and Facebook page are the methods to tell your background to others. However, there is something different that i found from Facebook page. People can insert any photos to tell others more about them or the photos of their works on the Facebook Page. It is just like an online portfolio. In addition, you can put all of your personal interest, hobbies and goals. You may also want to put some favorite websites on your Facebbok page as a reference. Facebook page must be a professional way to express yourself for your career.

Here is the photo of my Facebook page and please click My Facebook Page to go to my Facebook page.

When I am creating this Facebook page for my ALES204 class, I feel curious about what my classmates think of Facebook page. Xiaoming mentions a good point about Facebook page or Profile. She reveals that people can create a  Facebook page or profile to keep her personal file in private. People can create a Facebook page or profile for professional use. Also, people can sign up another Facebook account to communicate and share all of your foolish photos with your friends.
Please click Xiaoming's Blog to know more about her thought.